Friday, October 19, 2012

The title of my blog is what..?

...Hawaii Wishes, right?

I think the last time I typed out anything about orders was a WHILE ago, and honestly, I have NO IDEA what that last update was.

This summer, Boss Man was told to choose from a few options for orders.. They were crappy choices, but out of those, we chose to head towards Tornado Alley, Oklahoma...
we were SO wrong.

After a MAJOR prep, a few disappointments, we had to tell the kids that we were moving, and going to Oklahoma...
Being the Army Brats that they are, they accepted the news graciously, and attempted to make the best of it.

Until August..

Boss man contacted me with news that the position in Oklahoma was filled & there was now a change of plans...
"What do you mean a change of plans?! What-the-crap? WHAT NOW?!"

Then I was greeted with this ::


Yep. You heard me.
The Schroeder's are moving to HAWAII!!!!
We were BEYOND excited to hear this, and so VERY thankful that God is giving us the awesome opportunity to be in a place that truly made us happy!

This was how we told this surprise to the kids ::

...And a video of how the whole thing went down...

Uhh. Um. So it's been a minute, no?

I didn't realize it had been SO long since I've written anything!
So, last thing that was written was back in February.
Since then, we went on our AWESOMELY awesome fun Disney cruise! We had SO much fun! If anyone of you EVER have a chance to GO... GOOO! Those 7 days were NOT enough time !!
I am going to attempt to post some pictures of the trip. I lost them ALL when a magnet fell on my laptop, and I was unable to retrieve them all.
**insert gasping, heart-wrenching pain in the gut feeling here**
yea. it was that bad.
ANYway... here are some pics of our adventures!
The Terminal!

My babies!

Some of the GRUB!

Cute, no?

My FAVORITE restaurant!

Night dancing over there --->

Boss man & I at a themed meal. I was Pocahontas, and he was some sultan.

STITCH!! my favorite!

Castaway Cay ... Disney's *private* island!!

Dang tourists... DAD! Get out of my PIC!! DADDD!!!!

My parents on their VERY first cruise & trip to ANY tropical islands! SUPER sweet, huh?

Hello crystal blue waters, and beeee-utiful ship!!

just some sloshy water on a VERY rockin' night out on the sea!

Goofy kids in the Goofy pool

crazy light-up glass on PIRATE NITE... arr.